Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)- Home Practice Guidelines for Week 1
1. Click here: MBSR Recordings Page to access all the recorded practices for the MBSR course. The passcode is beherenow. The first recording is the Body Scan. Make a personal commitment to do the body scan X 6 days between now and our next meeting. Find a comfortable space without distractions, and a time when you will not be interrupted. You can lie on your back or find a comfortable position where you can practice without pain. Print off the Record Form below to record what you notice each time you practice the Body Scan. Remember Mindfulness is a “noticing practice".” There is nothing you are supposed to “notice” or “not notice.” Simply take a few moments when you are finished to make a note on the record form of anything that comes up for you during the practice.
2. Choose one of your routine daily activities and bring a mindful attention to that activity X 6 days between now and our next meeting. We can bring mindfulness to folding laundry, doing dishes, walking, driving, interpersonal relationships, or any daily activity. Use your breath and sensations in the body to help keep your attention in the present. Notice when your thoughts have wandered and gently guiding your attention back to the activity you are engaged in.
3. Practice bringing mindful attention to at least one meal this week. As best you can, refrain from anything that might distract you from the process of eating such as reading material, your computer, your phone or the TV. Try using all your senses to notice the sight, smell, and sound of your food; the texture and taste as you are eating and the sensation of fullness. Notice the movement of the wandering thinking mind and gently guide it back to the experience of eating.
4. Print off the “nine dots” activity below and try to solve it. Bring it to the next class