About Maus
Julie Maus
Licensed Social Worker, Certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher, Enneagram Therapist & Certified Yoga Instructor
Experience: I received a BA in Psychology from the University of Notre Dame and a Masters in Social Work from Colorado State University. I am a Licensed Social Worker who trained at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I am also a Certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher & Yoga Instructor as well as a Certified Enneagram Therapist (see Enneagram tab). I offer personal and executive coaching using the Enneagram and Mindfulness for personal growth. My approach emphasizes self-awareness and “the pause.”
In addition to teaching Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, I teach regular Mindfulness Meditation and yoga classes as well as Mindfulness in Nature experiences (see Courses tab) and Enneagram Workshops. I also offer presentations on Mindfulness and the Enneagram tailored to your particular setting (see Presentations and Enneagram tab).
Hitting the “pause” button: One of the most impactful changes my Mindfulness practice has given me is the ability to “pause” when life throws me curve balls. This “pause” is a game changer, giving me the ability to respond rather than react to everyday stressors. This in turn improves my relationships at home, at work and with friends. Another tool that drastically increases my ability to “pause” is self-awareness, and I know no better tool for deepening self-awareness than the Enneagram. When I am mindful of my personality’s habitual patterns, I am more likely to “catch” myself in reactivity. Mindfulness and self-awareness are just as critical for your well being as exercise, sleep and a healthy diet. In today’s world where technology seems to demand our constant attention, a Mindfulness practice provides a much needed “break” and “reset” button so we can be our best selves more often.
More Maus: I am an avid skier (Certified Ski Instructor), mountain biker and trail runner. I am fortunate to live in Evergreen, Colorado where I can enjoy the outdoors daily. I practice and teach Mindfulness and the Enneagram in the throws of trying to juggle family, friends, work, hobbies, bills, etc…what John Kabat-Zinn calls the “full catastrophe” that is life. That includes the daily struggles of being a good parent to our four children and maintaining a healthy marriage. My Mindfulness practice brings an ease to this “full catastrophe” that I did not know was possible. Rather than scurrying about all day like a mouse in a cage, I become a more Mindful Maus (pronounced “mouse”)!