Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction - Home Practice Guidelines for Week 5

1. On the recordings link, (password: beherenow) you will find a 35 minute “Open Awareness” meditation practice. Alternate this practice with either the Body Scan or one of the Mindful Movement sequences X 6 days. There is another Body Scan Recording (42 minutes) with less guidance you can try. Approach all three practices with kindness, noticing how paying attention moment to moment is not so easy because of various judgements, doubt, boredom, worry, irritation and restlessness that may also be present. Notice any struggles or avoidance without needing to change it in any way. Use this week’s Record Form to record each time you practice. Make a note of anything that comes up for you during the practice in the space provided and bring it to the next class so we can talk about it.

2. Below you will find an “Awareness of Difficult Communications Events Calendar” You are asked to notice an instance of difficult or stressful communication X 6 days this week. It can be something as simple as a misunderstanding, or not being listened to or a bigger event such as a disagreement with a loved one or an interaction with an obstinate co-worker. There is a list of questions to help you focus on the details of the interaction. Record your answers on the Calendar as soon as you can after the event and bring it to the next class.

3. During the week bring awareness to moments of reactivity, exploring them and using the breath to slow things down before responding if possible. If not, then noticing being caught in a reactive moment and seeing if it is at all possible even though one is in the middle of it all, to offer a mindful response.

Stress Response Cycle

Communications Calendar

Practice Record Form