Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction - Home Practice Guidelines for Week 4
1. Again this week, alternate the Body Scan with Mindful Movement X 6 days. Use the Recordings Page, passcode beherenow. You can do the Moving Meditation Sequence 1 from last week, the Moving Meditation Video, or try the Moving Meditation Sequence 2 (50 minutes). Pictures of the poses for Sequence 2 are in the link below. Remember that it is not about how well you do the poses, or how deeply you stretch, rather it is about noticing without judgement the physical sensations in your body as you move. Consider this practice a moving meditation, continually coming back to the physical sensations in your body when your attention gets pulled away. Practice kindness by only doing what is safe and comfortable in each pose. If there is a pose you cannot do, you can always modify or just visualize that you are doing the pose. Both with the Body Scan and Mindful Movement, notice the wandering mind and bring your attention back without criticism to the breath. Use this week’s Record Form to record each time you practice. Make a note of anything that comes up for you during the practice in the space provided and bring it to the next class so we can talk about it.
2. Again this week, make a commitment to practice the Mindfulness of Breath and Body Meditation (20 minutes) X 6 days between now and our next meeting. As you have been doing, find a comfortable space without distractions and a time you will not be interrupted. Practice this meditation sitting in a chair or on a cushion. Throughout the meditation, as best you can, bring a focused attention to the breath and the physical sensations in the body. If you experience any intense physical sensations try to breathe into the discomfort as best you can, and if you need to move, set an intention to move the body mindfully, and then return to the original posture once the discomfort has been relieved. Always be kind, patient and compassionate toward your body. Use this week’s Record Form to record each time you practice. Make a note of anything that comes up for you during the practice in the space provided and bring it to the next class so we can talk about it.
3. During the week be aware of stress reactions including physical sensations that accompany them without trying to change them. Notice feeling stuck, blocking, avoiding, or shutting off from the experience.
4. Please complete the Midway Assessment by clicking the link below. It gives me an opportunity to give you some personal feedback on your practice. It also gives you a chance to pause and reflect on how you are making Mindfulness a part of your life.